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Cheap Flights to Freetown


Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


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Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
Subject to Availability

Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
Subject to Availability

Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
Subject to Availability

Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
Subject to Availability

Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


Lower economy class
Subject to Availability

Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


Lower economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
Subject to Availability

Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


Lower economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


Lower economy class
Subject to Availability

Freetown Lungi International - Sierra Leone - FNA

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


Lower economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Flights to Freetown

Freetown, capital, director port, and most prominent city of Sierra Leone, on the cruel Sierra Leone Promontory, at the toward the ocean tip of a degree of rich inclinations, which were named Serra Leôa ("Lion Mountains") by the Portuguese associate Pedro de Sentra when he inspected the West African coast in 1462. By the 1650s the drawn out advancement of English, French, Dutch, and Danish exchanging affiliations finished the restricted level of Portuguese command over the shoreline exchange. An English abolitionist, Granville Sharp, picked the site (south of the mouth of the Sierra Leone Stream) in 1787 as a shelter for African slaves, liberated and poor in England. (They were known as the Dim Poor.) In 1792 the Sierra Leone Association accepted responsibility and upheld settle slaves from Nova Scotia who had battle for the English in the American Moderate Clash, the "Maroons," runaway prisoners of Jamaica, and others from got slave ships. They were appeared at Ruler Jimmy's Watering Spot (before long a clamoring business center). Their relatives, known as Creoles, are at present eclipsed by Mende and Temne voyagers from the inside. In 1821 Freetown changed into the seat of government for Exceptional England's all's West African impacts, a position it held (with slight changes) until 1874. Freetown, consolidated as a region in 1893, changed into the country's capital in 1961.

Freetown's extraordinary normal harbor (a basic The Subsequent Incredible Conflict ocean base) has profound water securing work environments at the Sovereign Elizabeth II Quay. Its things solidify palm oil and pieces, cocoa, espresso, ginger, and kola nuts. The city is the nation's business and transportation focus; present day attempts are restricted and solidify important stone cutting, confectionary, paint and shoe undertakings, rice handling, and fish pressing. Improvement of the Guma Dam has handled Freeport's really long water issue and gave more electrical power. Hastings Landing strip (10 miles [16 km] southeast) handles neighborhood flights; the general air terminal at Lungi is across the Sierra Leone Stream.

Freetown is the site of Fourah Bay School on Mount Aureol (spread out 1827, part of the School of Sierra Leone, 1969), Njala School (1964), the Milton Margai School of Guidance and Development at bordering Goderich (1960), an instructor's school, a particular affiliation, and several administration and Christian and Muslim optional schools. Post Thornton (1796), before long the State House and home of the president, and the Put of Representatives stand on Apex Incline.