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Cheap Flights to Banjul


Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
Subject to Availability

Banjul Yundum International - Gambia - BJL

London Heathrow - United Kingdom - LHR


High economy class
One Way
Subject to Availability

Flights to Banjul

Banjul, beforehand (until 1973) Bathurst, city, capital, and Atlantic port of The Gambia, on St. Mary's Island, close to the mouth of the Gambia Stream. It is the country's most prominent city. It was spread out in 1816, when the English Trailblazer Office referenced Boss Alexander Grant to fan out a base on the stream to cover the slave exchange and to go probably as an exchange focal point for sellers shot from Senegal, which had been restored to France. Award picked Banjul Island (surrendered by the head of Kombo) as the site, which he renamed St. Mary's. He named the new settlement for Henry Bathurst, third Ruler Bathurst, then, at that point, pioneer secretary. It changed into the capital of the English locale and protectorate of Gambia and after 1947 was tended to by a town board. With the Gambia's chance in 1965, the town was allowed city status and changed into the public capital. The name was changed to Banjul in 1973.

Banjul is The Gambia's business and transportation focus. It has several nuts (groundnut) decorticating plants and oil modern offices; peanuts, nut oil and affair, and palm pieces are traded. The development business is of expanding significance, working with a piece of the metropolitan joblessness issue and empowering craftsmanship (wood carvings, filigree pearls, hand-concealed surface) associations. Banjul is connected with inside and Senegal through a 3-mile (5-km) transport toward the north across the Gambia Stream (to Barra) and by the Banjul-Serekunda Thoroughfare. A standard liner association works to Basse St Scratch Su, 242 miles (389 km) upstream. The Gambia's overall air terminal is at Yundum, 18 miles (30 km) southwest.